The COVID-19 pandemic has forced workplaces everywhere to pay more attention to cleanliness and organization. In order to combat this virus, we all have to be more conscious of our day-to-day habits. Just a few simple changes can make a huge difference and can prevent the spreading of the virus so we do not bring it home to our loved ones.
1. Eliminate High-Touch Surfaces
Every workplace has spaces that need to remain accessible to everyone and will inevitably be touched by everyone. But Spacesaver powered mobile systems come with the TUSC Control App, which allows users to open and close aisles with their smart phones. This eliminates touching altogether and will keep everyone safe.
2. Use Antimicrobial Paint
This power-finish paint by Spacesaver contains a time-released germicidal agent to stop the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew – however, it won’t affect the performance of physical look of your product. This product can provide you and your staff with peace of mind during these stressful times.
3. Separate Personal Gear
Providing lockers at your workplace gives team members a secure space to store personal belongings. Spacesaver Day Use Lockers and Personal Storage Lockers are available in many sizes, styles and colors so that you can choose exactly what you need for your space.
4. Make Room to be Ready
Industries like healthcare, public safety, education and indoor agriculture have a real need for storage solutions. The more these industries optimize their storage spaces, the more room they will have for what’s really important, like taking care of patients and teaching students. Spacesaver’s high-density mobile storage systems maximize vertical space and can be used in nearly any setting to ensure an efficient, organized workspace. Here are some examples of how Spacesaver products can be used in these industries:
- Healthcare – high-density mobile storage systems are a popular choice in hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies because they eliminate wasted aisle space and free up space for other uses. These systems can also maximize vertical space inside the units with configurable shelving, modular bins, and steel pegboard.
- Public safety – Increase security and efficiency with best-in-class police lockers, weapons racks, and more. If space is tight, move evidence, records, and bulk items to high-density storage systems to free up space for PPE storage and other preparedness equipment.
- Military – Military installations must store an immense amount of supplies and equipment. Spacesaver’s line of military storage solutions promotes readiness by streamlining processes, ensuring accountability, and making the most of limited storage space. When it’s time to deploy, the weapon racks can be packed directly into shipping containers to give your unit more time for training and preparation.
- Education – At a time when most schools, campuses, and libraries are closed, it’s important to look to the future and plan for “the new normal.” If your facility will need to store more emergency preparedness supplies and equipment, consider high-density storage systems to optimize space. Although every storage space is different, you can generally expect to double your storage volume.
- Indoor agriculture – In areas where cannabis is legalized, grows and dispensaries play a crucial role in the healthcare system. Vertical racking optimizes canopy area, allowing growers to grow more product in the same space, and Day Use Lockers help maintain a clean, safe work environment for essential employees.
If you are interested in installing any of these products at your workplace, click here to contact us.